Welcome back babes! Last week we spent some time chatting about the importance of preventing burn out and what you can do to heal from it. We discussed three important tips, learn when to say yes, and when to say NO; simplify and the last tip visualize. Now, in this final blog post in the series, we’ll focus on the last two tips and let me tell you, they can make or break how you heal or prevent burnout all together.
Burn Out?! How’d I get here?
Ok, quick recap, in last week’s post, I shared a burn out checklist to help you assess if you were experiencing burn out. Then I gave you a little breakdown on what burn out actually is by using facts from our friends at WebMD. Now, let’s check out those last two tips about how you can prevent, or heal from, burn out, my lovelies!
Burn Out, Be Gone!
Tip #4: Get help!
Remember tip #1 where I said to stop being a martyr? I am saying it again, but in addition to saying no, I’m also adding that you need to learn when to ask for help- and be ok receiving it. Women especially have a hard time accepting help from someone. They don’t want to bother, or feel like a burden (or some shit). Fine, we get it. But that is kinda BS.
It is a gift to someone else to help you.
Think of this: When you have helped someone, maybe dropped off a meal, or bought someone a coffee as a surprise, or picked up someone else’s kid to help, doesn’t it make you feel good? It does. Consider that when someone offers help. Or when you ask for help. It is a gift, a blessing, to the giver as much as it is for the receiver.
There is a caveat though, you’ve got to be ok if they say no. That is them honoring themselves. That doesn’t mean you walk away telling yourself you will never ask for help again. It means you might need to ask someone else, or look at what you can simplify in your life, right then and there.
Tip #5: Get off social media!
You won’t listen to me. You probably already scrolled right past this tip. And yet out of everything, this could give you the QUICKEST and theoretically EASIEST way to feel better, now.
When social media first started (anyone remember MySpace??), there wasn’t a whole lot of research. It was just a cool way to stay connected. It was also cheap! Before that it was calling ($$$), emailing (you were probably using dial up which didn’t have instant connection, so also $$$$) or letters ($).
But that was then and this now. Social media has turned into a beast of its own. These days we compare, contrast, get insecure, present a false life, get overly consumed in the lives of others, etc. However, the research says something loud and clear:
Why? It adds undue stress. And yes, I realize the hypocrisy in these statements as I use social media for my business. Shoot, it may even be how you found this article. This is why I’ll now propose some tools that can help REDUCE the heaviness and negativity of social media – cause let’s be real, I know you won’t get rid of it *wink*.
Here’s how to go about it
1. Take that app off your phone. You know which one.
Yes, delete it. If we put a small obstacle in the way (like we can only check it on our laptops/computers/ipads) it will reduce the time spent on it. You will literally feel ‘itchy’ when you first do it. And you will be shocked at how many times you will go to look for it and remember it isn’t there.
*Remember when I asked about how overwhelmed and slammed you were? Guess what is a BIG time sucker? Social media. Not only is it unhealthy for our brains, but it literally sucks the time away from you- you are SCROLLING through someone else’s life instead of living your own.
2. Stop posting and commenting so much. And be intentional about it.
First, don’t comment a negative comment just to troll (sorry I have no patience for this at all, if you have a problem with what someone posted, f’ing unfollow, scroll past or get off the damn platform).
Second, as for your own posting, first ask yourself why are you posting it? To brag? Show off? Put up a front? Get attention, likes and the dopamine rush that happens when we get likes and comments on our posts? Or to genuinely share what cool thing you want your family and friends to know about? Consider doing a monthly post, or not at all and just LIVE your life WITH your family and friends.
3. Limit your time.
Seriously, give yourself TWO times a day of 5 minutes to ‘scroll’. That is it. No more than 10 minutes a day. Listen 10 minutes a day is 3,640 minutes a year. That is 151 hours a year. Do you know what you could do with that instead?? Anyhow, limit that shit.
4. Unfollow/unsubscribe, clean that shit up.
This one is pretty much self explanatory. If someone/thing doesn’t resonate with you when you are on it, get it off your feed. No need to jab at them or stoop down and belittle. Just get rid of it,.
5. If you need it for your business, consider outsourcing it.
There are companies that do a great job at managing social media which frees you up to work on your business instead of lost in social media scrolling. You can still build trust and influence on social media, give genuine YOU content to the company you hire. Plus it keeps you from seeing/responding to the nasty trolls who will try to tear you down, no matter WHAT you do. You don’t need that toxic energy in your head/heart.
Ok, ok, I lectured long enough 🙂 If you don’t see how important limiting your social media is to your health, there is no amount of studies or tips I can give you. I can promise you this though, you won’t feel your best until you do.
What other ways can you elevate yourself in mind and body to prevent (or heal) burn out? In our online yoga teacher training course we give lots of tips and more in depth practices to help with this, check it out!