From the perspective of Alzheimer’s
One of my grandma’s (I have been blessed with several), recently wrote a list of things that are important to her in order for one to have a happy life.
And that is cool, right? I mean we all write lists of things that would make us happy. Or have shared lists, or found lists that resonated with us..right?
Here is the thing; my grandma has Alzheimer’s. And even if she met you right now, she wouldn’t remember you tomorrow. Or, even five minutes after saying hello. She can’t do crossword puzzles any more. And it is difficult to have any sort of coherent conversation with her for longer than 30 seconds- on a good day.
So when my aunt found this folded up piece of paper in her sweater pocket, with such profound and beautiful wisdom scrawled on it- we took them to heart. Literally. And maybe you will find resonance in them too.
Philosophy of a Happy Life:
- Be ok with with what you CAN’T do, because there is so much MORE that you CAN do
- Surround yourself with positive people in life
- Keep moving forward with:
– A positive attitude
– Setting goals
– Doing what inspires you - Never miss a party
- Take care of yourself and have fun
Can you read into these and see, that despite her brain and memories failing her- the universal truths of the heart and soul that still want to be shared? My grandma, from the cloudy recess of her glorious mind and soul, is sending us a message of hope and love and inspiration but also with an urgency- to do (or start) these things now.
- Be OK with yourself NOW. Not when you are skinnier, wealthier, healthier, prettier. Because who you are, as you read this, is pretty freaking awesome. You are awesome, as you are. Find comfort and peace in knowing that you have SO VERY MUCH to offer the world just as you are.
- Surround yourself with positive people NOW. Remove the weeds and toxicity TODAY. Not when the ‘timing’ is right. The time is right now.
- Keep moving forward with a POSITIVE attitude, doing what inspires you and continuing to grow and set goals NOW. Not when you achieve xyz. Or when you have a better support system. Or more money. Do it. Right now. Smile absurdly at someone. Write down five things you want to achieve by next month that fill you with inspiration and joy.
- Never miss a party or opportunity or reason to be with like minded people who uplift you. Don’t cancel cause you are tired, or cause your hair doesn’t look right, or cause you have laundry to do, or cause it is too far, or cause you don’t think you are smart enough or successful enough. Go. GO.
- Start taking care of yourself TODAY. Eat better. Sleep more. Move more. LOVE YOURSELF MORE. Allow fun to be your compass- not money, or a spouse or a job. Start today. Right this very moment.
Thank you grandma. Thank you for this gentle but urgent reminder that time, our number of breaths, are precious. And that the time to start LIVING a Happy Life is NOW.