Hi loves! I’ve been sick, very sick. I feel like hell because I’m just recovering from the stomach flu from hell. I’m still a bit weak but I’m grateful that the worst has passed! Given my rough few days, I thought it important to share five natural ways to recover from the stomach flu. Let’s not tarry, time to get into it.
What is a stomach flu?
Gastrointestinal distress is nothing to laugh at, figuratively and literally. Now while often panic inducing WebMD lists a host of various stomach-related issues, in this blog, I’ll be focusing on the common stomach bug versus food poisoning or other more serious ailments. The common viral gastroenteritis, aka the stomach flu, can often be treated at home. Whereas food poisoning, or other serious ailments, may require more immediate medical intervention (ps I am not a medical doctor, so as always, check with your damn doctor if you are feeling sick…and all the other legal jargon necessary..ok let’s carry on now).
What are the symptoms of the stomach bug?
One symptom of the stomach bug is the fervent wish for the ground to swallow you up. I kid; sort of. Jokes aside, this sickness is usually cased when there is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines due to a viral infection.
According to Healthline, a stomach bug includes one or more of the following symptoms:
- Stomach or intestinal cramps
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and or vomiting
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Joint aches
- Muscle aches
- Thirst
- Headache
- General feeling of malaise (aka feeling like absolute s***).
A stomach bug can spread quickly, so once any of these symptoms persist, try to keep yourself isolated until it passes. This virus is commonly passed by direct contact with someone who is sick.
The biggest differentiator between the stomach bug and other more serious viral gastrointestinal is that it usually passes within 12 to 48 hours. Should it persist beyond this point, or should any of your symptoms get worse, please see a medical professional.
An interesting fact I just learned via Healthline is that the stomach bug, especially to norovirus variant, most commonly occur between October and April. Huh!
Natural Ways to Recover from the Stomach Bug
I personally like to try natural methods to recover from a stomach bug before escalation to a medical professional. Here are some of my tried-and-true methods that can help you recover from the stomach bug.
Drink lots of fluid.
Fluids are essential for your body to help flush the virus from your system. At this time, it is best to consume liquids that contain electrolytes. If you’ve got a young’un, try giving them a fluid replacement solution like Pedialyte. Another random fact, I’ve also relied on Pedialyte to help me recover and it WORKS! (Word to the wise, it tastes yucky :)). Pure coconut water is also a great source of electrolytes.
I also use ice chips to aid the digestion process. It is one more way of absorbing fluids without aggravating the tummy.
Get lots of rest.
This might sound like a duh moment, but some people like to push through stomach illnesses. This taxes your body and can stretch out your recovery time. Your body needs rest to recover, so clear that schedule and allow the sickness to run its course before engaging in any strenuous activity. And I uh, personally struggle with this one.
Only consume plain food and beverages.
My friend, you are ill, now is NOT the time to kick your body when it’s down by trying that new exotic restaurant a few blocks around the corner. Your body needs natural, plainly seasoned soups and meals. Think broths, steamed vegetables, yogurts, etc.
The same rule applies for beverages. Limit your intake of sodas and other sugary drinks while recovering from a stomach bug. They are empty calories that do not replace electrolytes. As mentioned earlier, you can opt to drink coconut water which is low in sugar AND contains electrolytes to help with the recovery process.
Allow your body to recover.
I touched on this earlier, but let me stress it again: your body needs rest to recover. However, there are things you can do to help make the recovery process easier. When I’m sick, I soak in a hot tub with essential oils and a s*** ton of Epsom salts. It not only soothes my body aches but allows me down time to pray and meditate. It is a time for me to appreciate my body’s ability to heal. And even, for the sickness itself (ya I know…crazy right?!). But sometimes, when we are in contrast to what we desire, is when we appreciate the good. When I am sick, it helps me to remember that most of the time I am not, and to be grateful for that.
Try an IV drip.
I recommend getting an IV drip after 24 hours of recovery. At this point, some of your symptoms should be at bay, however, your body may lack energy. You can book this at a local medical clinic or spa or by visiting your licensed medical professional.
Never take a stomach bug – or any illness – for granted. When your body calls out in pain, treat it with love and respect; nurture it. Allow your body the ability to feel the sickness, so it can pass quickly.
If you are reading this while ill, I’m sending lots of love and healing light your way.
XOXO Shannon