At Mind & Body Complete, we’re all about natural ways to elevate ourselves mentally, emotionally, and physically. We live as we preach, it’s why we talk a lot about how you can attain a strong mindset thought positive influences, past programming, yoga, meditation, etc. My dearest babes, I want to reiterate today, you have almost all you need to feel good within you. However, this can further be enhanced by mindfully curating several tools and habits that can help you achieve your own personal bliss. In this week’s blog, we’ve put together a list of our own personal favorite tips to help you live your best life.
***Side Note: Before you grab your morning cup of green tea, let me remind you these are just a few suggestions of our essential tips. If we’ve missed out anything, please feel free to share with our community what works for you, it could be life changing for your fellow babes.
Supplementary Support* can help you live your best life
Let’s talk about a few of our favorite supplements, but first a very important proviso!
Disclaimer: Some items, especially the supplements we’ve included, may be contraindicative to your health needs. Remember, you should never (ever!) take supplements without knowing whether you body is truly deficient of it. If you’re not, then you are just pissing away money (literally!). Either schedule your own appointment for some blood work through a company like Quest, or ask your local doctor/naturopathic to run a lab panel prior.
1. Magnesium: This is our favorite magnesium. There are lots out there, but we’re particularly fond of Life Extensions’ Magnesium Caps. It’s what we have been using for a while and love it. There are several benefits of magnesium such as improved physical performance, help combat depression, promotes heart health, support better sleep and so much more.
2. Vitamin D: This is probably the only supplement you will hear us say almost everyone could benefit from incomrporating in their supplemental regimen. Our current favorite is Sports Research’s Vitamin D3 made with coconut oil.For this particular supplement, we recommend checking with your doctor about the ideal AMOUNT of Vitamin D3 you personally need to consume. Otherwise, well, see disclaimer above. Vitamin D also supports your muscles, nerves, and immune system.
3. IV Nutritional Therapy: We looovvveee IV nutritional therapy! Here is where we go locally, but a quick search on Google for IV nutritional therapy locations within your hometown should help you find a good sport. I know, I know, I’m a broken clock, but I have to remind you – find out your needs first by meeting with an expert prior to ‘ordering’ any IV treatments. This form of supplemental therapy can especially beneficial you if have any autoimmune conditions, need additional immune support or feeling run down/depleted.
Other products and habits that can help you live your best life
4. CBD
We, love, love, love CBD and we prefer to smoke it. These ‘cigarettes’ are our current jam and note there is NO nicotine (yuck!), tobacco (epp!) or any artificial thingamabobs. It only contains pure, fresh from the earth CBD. By the way, CBD has scientifically been proven to help with conditions like chronic pain, inflammation, migraines, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases, depression, and anxiety. But hey, don’t forget to do your due diligence and review any and all brands for third party inspections/reports.
5. Retreats
DUH! Of course, we feel like attending retreats will transform your life in so many ways. Retreats offer a safe space away from life’s many stressors like anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. Retreats are a great way to gain new perspectives and new friends to help you along life’s journey! We’d love for you to attend a retreat with us, but you can also use our favorite platform to search for other retreats too.
6. Our favorite mediation app
Insight timer is a free app that has thousands of meditations that you can practice daily. You can search by length of time, star ratings, or whatever personal challenges you’re experiencing. This includes anxiety, sleep, stress, or all of the above. You can also pay for the upgraded version which gives you the ability to download your favorite meditations or enjoy offline features. There are other amazing apps for meditation, but this one is our absolute fav.
7. Dry brushing
We try to dry brush at least once a month. However, it’s most beneficial when done on a weekly basis. Dry brushing is an exfoliation process that unclogs pores. It also helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymphatic flow/drainage. This is our favorite dry brush and the best news of all? It’s pretty easy to integrate into your self-care routine.
These are just a few of the things we’ve found helpful to enable our best lives. Let’s us know your own personal favorites. We’re always open to new ideas!