Apply for a Scholarship

Here at Mind & Body we want to make sure as many ladies as possible experience a chance at a life changing retreat or as many individuals can participate in a course, workshop or training program offered here with us.

We understand that it may not always be financially possible to participate in certain programs due to financial strains, and so we aim at giving scholarships to individuals on a regular basis.

Feel free to fill out the form below to be entered into our scholarship system.  You must input a specific retreat location and date.

Please note: entry into the system does not guarantee a spot. All applications are sent to our review board who reviews each one. The recipient is then notified 3-4 weeks prior to the program start date. We do not notify applicants who were not selected due to the amount of submissions received.

Cost: There is a $150 processing fee for any applicant that is approved and registers, that is NON-REFUNDABLE.  This covers our administrative costs and helps alleviate non-urgent cancelations. 

The scholarship does not cover any applicable travel or additional expenditures.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Scholarship Fee- I understand there is a $150 NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee if I am selected.*
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Please upload a short video (under one minute) of you (selfie style is fine) explaining why attending is important to you.
Click the box below if you understand that if you are awarded a scholarship all additional fees above the cost of the retreat are your responsibility (transportation, travel and any additional food costs, etc).*